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Tips to Find your Watch Style

Who has never found themselves without inspiration to dress in front of a closet yet packed? Your problem may simply be with the clothes it is made of. Are you sure you've found your style? The one that you like and that looks really good on you? Finding your look is not only about wearing harmonious outfits , it is also about approaching each day with confidence ! Keep in mind that your priority is to feel good about yourself. So don't bother trying to please everyone . At Nordic Wood, we tend to think that the more comfortable we feel and confident in his style, the more we radiate good vibes, the more others will find us beautiful ! So how do you find your style? Follow these 5 tips to finally have a unique wardrobe that looks like YOU!


First of all, take the time to analyze your closet. What are the clothes you wear most often, those that you put on easily every day? Conversely, what are the ones that rarely come out of your wardrobe and that you can't wear without asking yourself a thousand questions? This is how you can identify the pieces, materials and colors that you prefer to wear , those that “give you joy” as the famous storage specialist Marie Kondo would say. And you will see, once you have defined the clothes in which you feel best, finding your style becomes much easier. You just have to perfect it!

To make it easier for you, get rid of all the clothes that don't fit anymore, as well as all the pieces that you haven't worn for over a year . To do this, find out about the charities in your area who will be happy to collect clothes in good condition that you no longer want. Otherwise, you can combine business with profit thanks to the famous Vinted platform . Once you've done this sorting, it will be easier to spot duplicates like missing pieces ... not to mention the feeling of satisfaction that comes with having a wardrobe that only contains clothes that fit and that you really wear. ! A good closet cleaning usually allows you to see more clearly the style that suits us, the one that corresponds to the moment we are at in our life, in our career , etc.


Once you have properly sorted your wardrobe, you will in principle have spotted 3 or 4 dominant colors and others that are complementary to them. Ask yourself which ones you wear most often. Conversely, which ones do you find it difficult to feel comfortable in? To identify the colors that suit you best, you can take into account your skin tone, the color of your hair or your beard.for men. But in reality, there is not really a rule to apply. It's all a matter of taste! And if you regularly receive compliments when you wear a certain color, that you are told that such or such blue, for example, brings out your eyes, gives you a healthy glow, ... Keep it in mind! The remarks we receive can be very useful in finding your style.

As for materials, of course choose clothes in which you feel good and that you can wear in all circumstances . Say goodbye to suit shirts, pants or skirts that are too tight that you can't wait to take off at night! Stop the materials that itch or make us sweat. Defining your favorite colors and materials will save you time when shopping. You will more quickly identify the pieces that will go well with the rest of your closet.


Male or female, regardless of our age, height or weight, there will always be clothes that will fit us better than others. The important thing is not to find the parts capable of hiding your flaws, but rather to find those which will know how to underline your strengths . Difficult to define which type of clothing goes with which morphology… There is no absolute truth! An advice ? Do some tests! Learn to play with the proportions of your body type . Try on all kinds of clothes you like and only get those that bring you "joy"! In general, these are the ones that make you look good and that you will enjoy wearing .

And for accessories, it's the same! Choose them according to your tastes and your body type for a complete and harmonious outfit. Man or woman, the watch is the essential accessory to sublimate a dress. Find out how to choose the right one for you in our "how to choose the right watch" guide ! Finally, unless you need it to feel better in your body, exit the quest for thinness at all costs to meet the standards. And stop shopping for clothes “that will fit you in a few months”. As long as you fix your attention on your "flaws", shopping trips may drag on without being productive!

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