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Overview of Composition Arts and Crafts

The distinction between art and craft is largely conceptual. After all, relatively speaking, almost any product can be called art; moreover, art sometimes becomes art due to the indication of this fact. If something is called art, then it becomes art.

Another thing is the non-applied use of art, which for the most part was created in order to receive and convey some meanings. Simply put, even if some everyday object acts as art, for example, a toilet, which symbolizes the consciousness of a modern layman, then this toilet becomes only a symbol, it is not used for its original purpose.

Products that are a product of a handicraft which comes in art supplies, in turn, are created precisely in order to be used for some kind of practical purposes. They can be beautiful, but aesthetics are a secondary factor here that only complements the main one. Therefore, artisans are different from artists, they do not produce something that produces and stores meanings, if they make the notorious toilet bowl, even beautiful, then they think about the convenience of the user and nothing else.

Further, we are talking about the conceptual difference, which was indicated earlier. For example, a cartoonist who works for tourists, or a photographer who takes standard and even template photos for postcards - are they in art or craft? In a sense, these people are artists, but to put it in simple terms and with a certain degree of simplicity, they put art at the service of the craft.

Of course, we are not talking about a direct connection between earnings and labor in the field of art. An artist, for example, can also receive payment for his own work, but he is still turned into slightly different areas, in contrast to the above-mentioned cartoonist or photographer. Still, a man of art is initially turned into the sphere of eternity and he does something eternal, even if he creates, for example, works on the theme of his time, eternal ideas and meanings are transmitted through these works.

In a sense, craft is also eternal just like you can say paint brushes . At a minimum, it provides needs that are relevant for people of the past and with some probability will be relevant for people of future times: simple entertainment, everyday needs, technical tasks. Thus, the craft is, to some extent, turned into eternity, but it only speaks about simple and elementary needs, but does not transmit and does not preserve high meanings.

To summarize, art is in a sense far from life, or rather, it is far from the philistine perception of reality and practical needs, but at the same time art is incredibly close to true life, as it speaks about the deepest essence of the eternal life process. The craft in this sense is closer to the philistine needs, but only on a superficial level, but in reality it only emphasizes the fragility and frailty of visible existence.

Option 2

Art is the best and most beautiful that is created in the thoughts, and then by the hands of the creator. The versatility of beauty in the whole world allows us to preserve and convey the moments of life with the help of unique human abilities. Thanks to the many talents and skills of our ancestors, we still admire more than one wonderful work of creators: poetry, cinema, painting, literature, knitting, embroidery, woodcarving and many, many other masterpieces that are not surpassed in quality and dazzling beauty.

Unfortunately, not all people are able to express their mood in beautiful and understandable phrases for a common person, where there is the power of the word, expressed in the heat of passion, inherent in people of different ages and ages. Literature in the world is a storehouse of human emotions, feelings and accomplishments, where creators communicate with us through time, finding painfully similar souls in the modern world.

Museums and exhibitions have special works where they help us to comprehend the spirit of a bygone time, the past, which has passed through more than one decade, but even today has not lost its novelty. Worthy masters look at us through the eyes of their canvases, they convey to us thereby all the wisdom and experience of the time in which they stayed.

Talented poets who left us their treasure, carried through time, in their lines of poems that our ancestors liked so much. These numerous sentences, capable of igniting hundreds of hearts, are capable of prompting even the most sluggish, wisdom and secret knowledge of the human soul with all its pluses and minuses, carry a deep meaning.

Folk art, knitting, sewing, even in the modern world, this unique activity pleases not a single pair of eyes, women in cities and villages still knit shawls and lace napkins. In the modern world, sewing and knitting are not only held in high esteem, but also in fashion. The talents of the famous and the opinion of famous jewelers transmitted by their ancestors can delight and surprise every woman in the new century. The architect, born in his time, left boundless knowledge and experience for future generations, and to this day we can contemplate many buildings left to us by the great creators, they contain the spirit of the past. Our dull, boring and everyday life is diluted by the beauty that surrounds us. The masters of architecture of the past centuries pass on their experience to the future generation, which is why art and architecture will live forever, delighting ordinary people with more and more new works.


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