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How to remove belly fat?

Most people don't need to gain muscle mass or lose 20-30 kg to get their desired fitness figure. Surprisingly, it's a fact - they just need to get rid of their belly, and their appearance will change dramatically. The only problem is that they don't know how to do it right. In addition, quite often bad advice from the Internet forces them to do counterproductive actions that not only do not help get rid of a big belly, but also harm their health. Therefore, we will consider the most effective ways to get rid of a belly.

What causes the belly to grow?

A big belly is more common in men. The reason is simple: the male body stores excess calories as fat mainly in one place - around the waist. Evolution decided that it is in this area that excess weight will not interfere with our motor activity. Imagine if fat accumulated mainly in the head, neck or arms - we would become ineffective hunters who would not be able to feed ourselves. Therefore, in men, excess weight accumulates primarily in the abdomen.

It is a little different for women - in the legs, buttocks, since in case of pregnancy, the extra weight in the legs will help to stand more firmly on the ground, and not overload the already tired spine. However, in order to avoid an imbalance in the load and in the distribution of weight, after the women's legs and buttocks gain a certain amount of fat reserves, the body will begin to accumulate fat in the abdominal area. Have you noticed how people get fat? First in certain places, and then gradually throughout the body. In women, the legs and buttocks gain weight first, and in men - the stomach. But in general, the weight increases evenly.

As we have already noted, the belly grows due to a banal excess of calories in the diet. That is, when you eat too much, your body has nowhere to put the incoming energy. Imagine that you began to receive a huge salary. You do not have time to spend it. What to do? - That's right, put it in the piggy bank. In our body, calories accumulate on the stomach and legs, but everyone is worried about the first.

Now you know what causes your belly to grow. Therefore, you can prevent it from growing further. Eat in moderation – eat without a large excess of calories, otherwise your body will have to accumulate new fat on your belly.

How to get rid of belly fat: stereotypes

Abdominal workout

It is believed that it is enough to do 1000 repetitions of abdominal exercises every day, and the abs will immediately appear on your stomach, and the fat from it will begin to melt like ice on the first day of a thaw. In reality, our body spends our fat piggy bank only when there is a lack of calories from food. For example, you ate little during the whole week, or spent a lot of calories in the last 5-7 days. Your body sees this and analyzes the diet. If the amount of calories coming from food during these days is small, then you will have to take them from your reserves - for example, on your stomach.

Various abdominal exercises certainly burn calories, but their expenditure is not that great. Do not think that abdominal training directly burns fat. Abdominal muscle contraction occurs at the expense of other body resources, in particular glycogen and ATP, and last of all at the expense of fats, and only under certain conditions (long-term low-intensity exercise).

Abdominal exercises do not reduce belly fat. You cannot burn fat in the parts of the body that are contracting. It does not work that way. Think of tennis players who play primarily with one hand. The fat percentage in both hands is identical, despite the fact that one hand is clearly more active than the other. The body uses up fat and the piggy bank gradually and throughout the body.

Exclusion of products

Banning regular bread, eliminating sweets from your diet, drinking a liter of kefir daily and much more - all these tricks supposedly help you get rid of your belly. This is only half true. The real goal of any dietary manipulation is to cut down on the calorie content of your diet and thereby create a calorie deficit, which will lead to the spending of your fat piggy bank and, accordingly, to weight loss.

However, people in most cases do not quite correctly understand what to do with their diet. It does not matter which product to ban, they are all equal - they are simply sources of calories. There are no products that contribute only to an increase in the belly, just as there are no products that make you fat. There is one reason for weight gain - an increase in calories and their large influx, which the body cannot cope with.

Therefore, you should not think that if you give up bread today, your belly will become smaller tomorrow. This will only work if you create a calorie deficit without bread. If you forbid yourself bread, but at the same time start eating twice as much other food, there will be no calorie deficit, of course, as well as weight loss.

Final Words

To reduce the belly - you need to lose weight. The body loses weight everywhere, gradually and slowly, so get ready for a long war. If your belly is big, then its reduction will be noticeable immediately, which is often incorrectly interpreted as targeted weight loss of only the belly.

No exercises will help you get rid of your belly fat the way many bad trainers and bloggers say. Exercises are only needed to burn calories and create an energy deficit, which helps you lose weight.

What do we have in the end? To get rid of your belly, you need to start losing weight. It is easy to do, but you need a certain system: calorie deficit, regular training and control over your diet.


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